Tour Groups

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Group bookings are now open for 2024.

Tour Groups are very welcome at the Wollondilly Heritage Centre & Museum. Visitors are given a unique insight into the history of Wollondilly and surrounding districts, can view interesting exhibitions and enjoy a friendly visit hosted by members of the The Oaks Historical Society.

Typical visits begin with morning tea and an introductory overview of the current exhibitions.

Devonshire teas are served on shady verandahs surrounded by café blinds

Use of barbeque facilities can be arranged in advance

Wheelchair access is available to all areas

Group details:

Number of People: minimum 12; maximum 60

Entry, Morning Tea and Tour:  $12 per person

Entry only: $3 per person

Entry and Tour: $5 per person

Dates available by arrangement, except Thursdays in school term

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