Drill Hall
Burragorang Boys & Beyond in WW1
This exhibition remembers the men who left Burragorang Valley and surrounding rural districts of Wollondilly to honour the King & Country in the battlefields of Gallipoli, Palestine and France. 1914-1918 LEST WE FORGET
On the opening day guests included Light Horse re-enactment representatives, WWI ambulance, Veteran Legends with hospital tents of the era and displays by local history societies. Visitors were entertained with songs by Picton Harmony singers, readings from diary extracts and poetry read by school students.
The exhibition features the stories of many of the servicemen from the Burragorang Valley and surrounding areas. The catalogue of the exhibition is available from the Museum for $10. Objects used are from the permanent collection as well as loans from local families. A Memory Book is available to read of the 800 servicemen with associations to Wollondilly. Visitors are encouraged to correct the information if necessary and to add any which may have been missed.
The exhibition was researched by Ray and Robyn Gill, Maria Pozza, Elizabeth Villy and Trish Hill and curated by Doreen Lyon.